Thank You! 

Thanks to your donation to the Insaneo Blaineo Foundation, the Des Moines area youth is able to expand their knowledge of their illnesses and gain unforgettable experiences. When you donate, you’re celebrating their courage and helping save the lives of many. Our efforts to serve the youth will never stop. We are constantly looking to make a difference in children's lives by offering them an experience to learn about their disease.

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organizations we support:

Southeast Polk

Southeast Polk Health Program

We provide asthma kits to the SE Polk nurses and other health personnel to help students and their parents learn more about how to manage asthma. The kits include a number of books on asthma, inhalers, tubing, and spacers.


American Lung Association of IOwa

The American Lung Association is leading the way in helping all Americans breathe freely through their pioneering model of public health that includes health education and advocacy, grounded in lifesaving research.

Camp Hertko Hollow

Camp Hertko Hollow

Camp Hertko Hollow is dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth who have diabetes. The goals at camp are: Recreation, Education, Regulation and FUN! Campers enjoy the traditional camp activities while learning about living with diabetes. Meeting other youth and counselors who have diabetes is also a great benefit of the experience.

Heads Up Hounds

Heads Up Hounds

Heads Up Hounds was the first company of it’s kind to exclusively utilize rescue dogs in the training of diabetic alert dogs. Due to the use of rescue dogs and a unique training methodology, they are able to offer diabetic alert dogs at a much more affordable price.

The Titan Project.jpeg

The Titan Project

Providing Support to Veterans and their Families: As a team of teams, we want to support other veterans. The Titan Project is a focused non-profit organization developed to help our brothers and sisters in arms. Less than 1% of America serves in the military; however, without their support, the rest of the country would not be able to enjoy the same degree of freedom and prosperity.


The Insaneo Blaineo Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.